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Hearing Loss is Connected to Other Health Concerns

Hearing Loss is Connected to Other Health Concerns

By: Audiologist, Angie Lederman, MS, CCC-A

Over 30 million adults in the U.S. have some degree of hearing loss. Untreated hearing loss has been linked to many other health issues. The good news is that early detection and treatment can go a long way. Read more to learn about the connection between hearing loss and other health problems - and what you can do about it!


Hearing and balance are directly connected. The more severe the hearing loss, the more severe the risk of a fall. There are several reasons for this. Sounds can help us balance ourselves and are one way we are connected to the world. Another reason is that the more you struggle to hear, the more mentally exhausted you become and the less energy you have for balance. The good news is that there is evidence that hearing aids can help prevent a fall.


Compared to peers with normal hearing, individuals with a hearing loss are 2-5 times more likely to develop dementia. It takes a lot of effort to understand what you are hearing when you have a hearing loss. This can be very taxing on our brains. Cognitive decline gets worse as the hearing loss becomes more severe. This means that it is best to treat a hearing loss as soon as it is detected.

Depression and Anxiety

Even the risk of psychological disorders is higher in those with untreated hearing loss. Not being able to hear in many situations can cause increased uneasiness and feelings of anxiety. Because of this, individuals may withdraw themselves from those situations which can lead to isolation and loneliness. As a consequence, they may experience depression.


Diabetes is connected to a higher risk of hearing loss. This is likely because high blood sugar levels can damage the vessels in your ears and consistently low blood sugar levels affect the way signals are sent to your brain. Do not overlook diabetes or hearing loss when having your annual checkup!

What You Can Do

Schedule a hearing evaluation with a trusted provider. Hearing tests are non-invasive and will identify if a hearing loss is present. The sooner you begin treating your hearing loss, the better your outcomes. We offer a variety of hearing devices and will work with you to find one that fits your lifestyle and budget. Do not wait, call us now. We are here to provide the best for your hearing healthcare.

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